Category: 3d
Abstract Rings – Blender Geometry Nodes
Plant – Blender Geometry Nodes
Portal – Nomad Sculpt
Sugar Candy – Geometry Nodes in Blender
Easy Toon Shader in Blender
Rubber Duck Sculpt
Retro grain with Blender EEVEE
Blender 2.8 is in beta for a while so it’s about time for me to catch up and to get to know the new renderer EEVEE. I started tonight with a simple grain shader which gives the impression of a dot art style. It’s a pretty simple node setup, in general it’s like a toon shader but with the power of an additional voronoi texture. It’s really impressive to see these huge steps made in the latest development of blender but this will be a topic for it’s own in another post. For a tutorial on this shader check out this video!
Unity 3D free adds iOS & Android build options
best news since a long time…now everyone can build mobile games with Unity for free. instead of charging $800 for both you now pay $0!
go grab your copy at
kostenloser 3D Scan bei Infinite Realities!
Bei Infinite Realities kann man kostenlos den Scan eines Kopfes inklusive Texturen und ZBrush Datei laden. Hochwertige und gleichzeitig kostenlose Modelle lassen sich nur selten im Netz finden, und dieses hier kann für das ein oder andere Projekt sicherlich sehr hilfreich sein!