How to install new Xcode themes

If you are not that satisfied by the default syntax highlighting in Xcode and the pre installed themes aren’t that useful for you there is an easy way to install some new ones. At first, open Finder and navigate to:


(to do so press cmd+shift+g and type in the folder). now create a new folder called


You are now ready to color up Xcode with new themes. To find some a good starting point to search on for “Xcode themes”. Typically you will find a file with the ending:


Copy this file to the newly created directory. If you restart Xcode now you will see your installed themes under Preferences-Fonts & Colors. If everything went fine it should look like this:


Fix __MyCompanyName__ in XCode – The easy way

Changing __MyCompanyName__ in XCode to something useful was always a bit stupid, like configuring it with plist editing or on terminal. Today I found a very easy and sensible way to get things right. Just edit the company of yourself in Address Book and XCode will insert this company in your files. Solution was found here (german).